I & R ServicesFriends of Parkinson’s provides services that include information sharing and giving; referral; advocacy on behalf of an individual; crisis intervention; conducting follow-up; maintaining an accurate database of community resources;
conducting data collection, analysis and reporting to measure the service needs of a community; developing cooperative community programming; community outreach; and emergency preparedness and disaster response (should the need arise). With our community partners, we do an initial assessment of needs for the individual prior to giving the referrals. |
Social Networking Groups
We currently have six social networking groups (we are adding more in the near future):
Movers and Shakers Pahrump
Movers and Shakers Valley View*
Caring for the Caregiver
Movers and Shakers Las Vegas
Movers and Shakers Henderson*
Soulful Scribe*
Movers and Shakers Oquendo
Veterans Involved in Parkinson’s™ (VIP)
Movers and Shakers Valley View*
Perk Up for Parkinson's with the Doc*
Social networking groups bring together people who are going through or have gone through similar experiences. For example, this common ground might be chronic medical conditions, bereavement, or caregiving. A social networking group provides an opportunity for people to share firsthand experiences and feelings, coping strategies, or firsthand information
about diseases or treatments. We encourage social networking groups because they build comraderies and friendships that move beyond the controlled time spent in sessions. A social group among people with shared experiences often functions as a bridge between medical and emotional needs. |