Our activities are at the heart of what we do and designed to help individuals mentally, physically, and spiritually Live Well with Parkinson’s.
Dance for the Health of It™Movement helps to improve balance, coordination, and agility. With the dance/exercise program, we include all movement: boxing, biking, hiking, dancing, and Pickleball, etc. The best exercise is the one you do consistently.
Art for Parkinsakes™Our art classes incorporate the use of eye-hand coordination through art, sewing, knitting, and crocheting. The participants create useful products that are offered for sale as a fundraiser helps support the program.
Las Vegas Tremblers™We use singing to help keep the voice strong and the muscles engaged. As Parkinson’s disease progresses, many of those affected will lose the ability to speak loudly. With the use of a certified speech therapist, training and exercises for the voice are implemented to improve the vocals and speech.
The Soulful ScribeEach of us has a story. Journaling can be * therapeutic* for someone with a chronic illness like Parkinson’s disease, storytelling by way of writing can leave a legacy for friends and family, and it can even change a person’s perspective about facing illness. Under the guidance and direction of the facilitator, each participant is encouraged to let the world know who they are and where they have been. The writing encourages participants to think deeply about what they want to convey to their loved ones and community.
Petals for Parkinson’s™The tulip has been associated with Parkinson's Awareness since 1980 when J.W.S. VanderWereld, a Dutch horticulturalist diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, developed a red & white tulip to honor Dr. James Parkinson. We call on the community to plant one thousand tulip bulbs at the San Miguel Community Garden. It is an opportunity to educate by showing how using gardening as a therapeutic tool to improve motor skills in Parkinson’s disease.
A monthly publication for the community that shares the latest updates, information, announcements, and events from the Friends of Parkinson’s nonprofit organization.
Support groups bring together people who are currently going or have gone through similar experiences. Examples of common ground might be chronic medical conditions, bereavement, or caregiving. A support group provides an opportunity for people to share firsthand experiences and feelings, coping strategies, or firsthand information about diseases or treatments. They also function as a bridge between medical and emotional needs. We encourage participation in our support groups because they build comraderies and friendships that move beyond the time spent in sessions.
We currently have five support groups:
Movers and Shakers Pahrump
Movers and Shakers Las Vegas
Veterans Involved in Parkinson’s™ (VIP)
Perk Up for Parkinson’s
Movers and Shakers Las Vegas
Veterans Involved in Parkinson’s™ (VIP)
Perk Up for Parkinson’s